Diffusion capacity for CO in elite athletes
Biljana Lazović¹, Mirjana Zlatković-Švenda², Jelena Grbović, Vladimir Zugić4
¹ University clinical center "Zemun", Belgrade, Pulmonary Ward, Serbia
² Univerzitet u Beogradu, Medicinski fakultet, Institut za reumatologija, Srbija
³ Clinic for lung disease, Clinical Center Serbia
4 Univerzitet u Beogradu, Medicinski fakultet + Klinički centar Srbije, Klinika za pulmologiju, Srbija
Original research
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doi: 10.26601/rsp.aprs.18.1
Summary: Introduction: The lung diffusion carbon monoxide capacity (DLCO) is used to measure the oxygen and carbon monoxide exchange between the air and the blood at the alveolo-capillary membrane site. Therefore, DLCO level is determined with structural and functional characteristics of the lung performance. Elite athletes tend to have higher DLCO values.
Aim: To evaluate the anthropometric and training factors influence on carbon monoxide lung diffusion capacity (DLCO) and on transfer coefficient (KCO) in elite athletes, by using the logistic regression model.
Methods: From November 2012 to September 2015, 70 randomly selected male Caucasian elite athletes were analyzed. They came to be regularly screened for the respiratory diseases at the Belgrade Clinical Centre Lung disease Unit. Medical history and training data were assessed by questionnaire; DLCO and KCO were measured by the single breath method standardized technique; anthropometric values were measured as standing body height (cm) and body weight (kg).
Results: The logistic regression model has shown that the combination of training frequency per week and the weekly amount of training expressed in hours was correlated with higher DLCO. This model was found to be excellent according to classification table, providing 80,0% of agreement for DLCO, at a cut off value of p=0.50. A set of goodness of fit tests was performed in order to further test the model, and all were nonsignificant, showing that it has correctly predicted the real data: Hosmer and Lemeshow test (p=0.866); Cox and Snell R2 (p=0.420) and Nagelkerke R2 (p=0.561). Predictors for KCO were not identified, with 71,0% of agreement.
Conclusion: Training factors are shown to have positive influence on DLCO. Anthropometric features were not found to be significant predictors of DLCO. Further studies are encouraged.
Key words: elite athlete, DLCO, KCO, logistic regression
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Biljana Lazovic
University clinical center "Zemun",
Belgrade, Pulmonary Ward, Serbia